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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oracle Learning - 7


The INTERSECT query allows you to return the results of 2 or more "select" queries. However, it only returns the rows selected by all queries. If a record exists in one query and not in the other, it will be omitted from the INTERSECT results.
Each SQL statement within the INTERSECT query must have the same number of fields in the result sets with similar data types.
The syntax for an INTERSECT query is:
select field1, field2, . field_n
from tables
select field1, field2, . field_n
from tables;

Example #1
The following is an example of an INTERSECT query:
select supplier_id
from suppliers
select supplier_id
from orders;
In this example, if a supplier_id appeared in both the suppliers and orders table, it would appear in your result set.

Example #2 - With ORDER BY Clause
The following is an INTERSECT query that uses an ORDER BY clause:
select supplier_id, supplier_name
from suppliers
where supplier_id > 2000
select company_id, company_name
from companies
where company_id > 1000
Since the column names are different between the two "select" statements, it is more advantageous to reference the columns in the ORDER BY clause by their position in the result set. In this example, we've sorted the results by supplier_name / company_name in ascending order, as denoted by the "ORDER BY 2".
The supplier_name / company_name fields are in position #2 in the result set.


The MINUS query returns all rows in the first query that are not returned in the second query.
Each SQL statement within the MINUS query must have the same number of fields in the result sets with similar data types.
The syntax for an MINUS query is:
select field1, field2, . field_n
from tables
select field1, field2, . field_n
from tables;

Example #1
The following is an example of an MINUS query:
select supplier_id
from suppliers
select supplier_id
from orders;
In this example, the SQL would return all supplier_id values that are in the suppliers table and not in the orders table. What this means is that if a supplier_id value existed in the suppliers table and also existed in the orders table, the supplier_id value would not appear in this result set.

Example #2 - With ORDER BY Clause
The following is an MINUS query that uses an ORDER BY clause:
select supplier_id, supplier_name
from suppliers
where supplier_id > 2000
select company_id, company_name
from companies
where company_id > 1000
Since the column names are different between the two "select" statements, it is more advantageous to reference the columns in the ORDER BY clause by their position in the result set. In this example, we've sorted the results by supplier_name / company_name in ascending order, as denoted by the "ORDER BY 2".
The supplier_name / company_name fields are in position #2 in the result set.
SQL: UPDATE Statement

The UPDATE statement allows you to update a single record or multiple records in a table.
The syntax the UPDATE statement is:
UPDATE table
SET column = expression
WHERE predicates;

Example #1 - Simple example
Let's take a look at a very simple example.
UPDATE supplier
SET name = 'HP'
WHERE name = 'IBM';
This statement would update all supplier names in the supplier table from IBM to HP.

Example #2 - More complex example
You can also perform more complicated updates.
You may wish to update records in one table based on values in another table. Since you can't list more than one table in the UPDATE statement, you can use the EXISTS clause.
For example:

UPDATE supplier
SET supplier_name = ( SELECT
FROM customers
WHERE customers.customer_id = supplier.supplier_id)
FROM customers
WHERE customers.customer_id = supplier.supplier_id);
Whenever a supplier_id matched a customer_id value, the supplier_name would be overwritten to the customer name from the customers table.
Learn more about the EXISTS condition.

SQL: INSERT Statement

The INSERT statement allows you to insert a single record or multiple records into a table.
The syntax for the INSERT statement is:
(column-1, column-2, ... column-n)
(value-1, value-2, ... value-n);

Example #1 - Simple example
Let's take a look at a very simple example.
INSERT INTO supplier
(supplier_id, supplier_name)
(24553, 'IBM');
This would result in one record being inserted into the supplier table. This new record would have a supplier_id of 24553 and a supplier_name of IBM.

Example #2 - More complex example
You can also perform more complicated inserts using sub-selects.
For example:
INSERT INTO supplier
(supplier_id, supplier_name)
SELECT account_no, name
FROM customers
WHERE city = 'Newark';
By placing a "select" in the insert statement, you can perform multiples inserts quickly.
With this type of insert, you may wish to check for the number of rows being inserted. You can determine the number of rows that will be inserted by running the following SQL statement before performing the insert.
SELECT count(*)
FROM customers
WHERE city = 'Newark';

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I am setting up a database with clients. I know that you use the "insert" statement to insert information in the database, but how do I make sure that I do not enter the same client information again?
Answer: You can make sure that you do not insert duplicate information by using the EXISTS condition.
For example, if you had a table named clients with a primary key of client_id, you could use the following statement:
(client_id, client_name, client_type)
SELECT supplier_id, supplier_name, 'advertising'
FROM suppliers
WHERE not exists (select * from clients
where clients.client_id = suppliers.supplier_id);
This statement inserts multiple records with a subselect.
If you wanted to insert a single record, you could use the following statement:
(client_id, client_name, client_type)
SELECT 10345, 'IBM', 'advertising'
FROM dual
WHERE not exists (select * from clients
where clients.client_id = 10345);
The use of the dual table allows you to enter your values in a select statement, even though the values are not currently stored in a table.
Learn more about the EXISTS condition.

SQL: DELETE Statement

The DELETE statement allows you to delete a single record or multiple records from a table.
The syntax for the DELETE statement is:
WHERE predicates;

Example #1 - Simple example
Let's take a look at a simple example:
DELETE FROM supplier
WHERE supplier_name = 'IBM';
This would delete all records from the supplier table where the supplier_name is IBM.
You may wish to check for the number of rows that will be deleted. You can determine the number of rows that will be deleted by running the following SQL statement before performing the delete.
SELECT count(*)
FROM supplier
WHERE supplier_name = 'IBM';

Example #2 - More complex example
You can also perform more complicated deletes.
You may wish to delete records in one table based on values in another table. Since you can't list more than one table in the FROM clause when you are performing a delete, you can use the EXISTS clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM supplier
( select
from customer
where customer.customer_id = supplier.supplier_id
and customer.customer_name = 'IBM' );
This would delete all records in the supplier table where there is a record in the customer table whose name is IBM, and the customer_id is the same as the supplier_id.
Learn more about the EXISTS condition.
If you wish to determine the number of rows that will be deleted, you can run the following SQL statement before performing the delete.
SELECT count(*) FROM supplier
( select
from customer
where customer.customer_id = supplier.supplier_id
and customer.customer_name = 'IBM' );

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How would I write an SQL statement to delete all records in TableA whose data in field1 & field2 DO NOT match the data in fieldx & fieldz of TableB?
Answer: You could try something like this:
( select *
from TableB
where TableA .field1 = TableB.fieldx
and TableA .field2 = TableB.fieldz );



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