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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Business Objects FAQs

1. What is the difference between thin client & thick client?
Thin Client is a browser based version, whereas thick client is a desktop based version. In thick client, you have lot of functions and formatting options.

Desktop Intelligence is full client. It is 2 tier architecture, where Web-I is 3 tier with Enterprise server in between.

Desktop-I and Web-I differs in some syntaxes.
E.g: [] in Web-I, <> in Deski.

Also scheduling can be done directly in Web-I (Xi R2), where as we need additional software to schedule Deski reports.

You can view the Deski reports in Web-I, but not Web-I reports in Deski.

But we can schedule the Deski reports via Web-I.

WebI: it is 3tier architecture. and also known as thin client . in boxir2 wise merge option available,edit sql also.
scheduling directly, Reports will generate not only corporate doc's, others also(excel,pdf--),hide option is not available,

Deski: it is 2 tier architecture & also known as full client. Here hide option, edit Sql, rank options are available. Desktop intelligence reports are dynamic. desktop intellegence is window base tool and need installation on every PC
where as WebI is web base tool and can be access any where through interenet explorer

Crystal reports are static and pagewise.

Infoview: WebI is a part of infoview. it generates java based reports. while open the reports through infoview.

2. In BOXIR2 we have following tools.
Import Wizard
Report Conversion Tool
Repository Migration Wizard

3. Multi pass SQL:
Multipass: Breaking one large SQL into multiple SQLs.If you are using the star schema with two or more fact tables,and you enable this feature, BO will automatically generate two or more SQLs (i.e. one SQL for each fact table object used in the report). Then the results will be synchronised in the report.

4. what is isolated joins in check integrity
Isolated join is the join which is not included in any of your contexts, so you are getting that error.

Solution :
First of all find what are all the joins you left with out including in any of your contexts and join them to any of the context which
you thnk appropriate.

5. Migration Process:
To migrate the bo 6.5 to XIR2:--

a) open the migration wizard
b) select ur source location(Here give ur BO 6.5 doc)
c) click next
d) select ur destination location (ur BoXIR2 environment)
e) select the users or admin or specific users
f) click next
f) click ok.

6. Difference b/w Break & section?

Break removes duplicates but the same thing cannot be done by section.
Break displays data within the same cell content and Sectioning appears outside the grid.
When you do any arithmetic operation on break say sum or count, you can see the sum for individual block and for all the blocks in bottom.

In Section it performs operation only on individual block.

7. What is master-detail report?
Master-Detail report allows us to display the result in Section wise. It splits large blocks of data into sections. It minimizes the repeating values. We can have subtotals also.

It displays the data section wise. If you have the following in a report, for e.g. Country, Store, Sales, you can change it into a master detail report country wise by dragging and dropping Country as a section when the cursor shows the text 'Drop here to create a section' you can seethe data country wise.

8. how big is ur team?

in my enviroment their are 3000+ Business End Users and 4 report Developers and Two Universe Designer and one Administrator.

9. is it possible to creating reports without universe.
it is possible to creating reports without universe. By Using personal data files&free hand sql
By Using personal data files&free hand sql. This is possible only in deski reports not in WebI.

11. how to solve #multivalue, #syntax, #error. iwant complete solution process in practical wise?
#Multivalue :- this error will occur in 3ways
1) #multivalue in aggregation
2) #multivalue in breaks header or footer
3) #multivalue in section level.

1:-- the o/p context not include i/p context its situation this error occurs.
Ex: in a report i have year,city dia's & Revenue measure is there.
= In
The above condition will to run the query getting revenue column #multivalue error occurs.

solution: cilck the formulabar in view menu
select the error containg cell, edit the formula to write below condition.
= In(,) In
The above formula will run correct data will appear in the report.
Note: the above condition by default it will take agg "sum" function.

the variable in the formula no longer exist in the

Ex:- *
The above condition will run this error will occur.

Solution:- Click edit dataprovider--> new object will be
need --> select error cell --> edit formula --> click ok.

the variable in the formula is incorrect. this
error will occur.

solution : go for data menu --> click variable
select the error containing a cell --> copy the formula in
edit menu --> paste it in new cell --> go for formula bar in
view menu --> --> take the first error containg cell
-->edit the formula --> repeat the above steps.

12. What is the difference B/W Variable & Formula?
Whenever we execute the formula , the result will be stored in the variable.

13. what is ment by incompatable object error in the report level?

When the contexts are not properly defined we will get the error as incompaitable combination of objects.

14. In a report i want to fetch the data from 2 data Providers. which condition will satisfy to link the 2 data providers.
ex: Q1 have columns A,B,C Q2 has a X,Y,Z columns. requirement is like i want to get all the columns from those 2 tables in report A,B,C,X,Y,Z in a single report.

in BOxir2 wise it is possible. would u have base uni & dervied uni's. i think ur requirement is solve by using "combining query" option & just select "union" operator wise ur query is solve. anotherwise u go for WebI, select "MERGE" option it is possible.

otherwise, ur requirement is not possible. because ur columns names are not maching.

u go for deski, select "datamanager" --> click "link to" Option it is possible.

15. What is meant by For each For all function. In which case we use the option in BO?

for each-add all objects to the context,
for all-delete all objects from the context
we use forall for summary purpose and foreach for detail purpose

16. how we improve the performance of report and universe?
By creating the summary tables and using aggregate awareness.

17. In xir2 how to send reports to end user?
You can send reports to any user via the scheduling options for a report. The report will then run as per the scheduled options and when successful, it will send a copy to the user's email address or inbox (in BO), depending on the options selected.

18.which is the best way to resolve loops? Context or Alias?
in a schema we have only one look loop u can create Alias. But, when we have multiple look up u can create contexts.
most of the cases are using context can be use to resolve the loops. why because more number of complexity loops and
also schema contains 2 or more fact tables in ur universe design.
If there are more than one fact table use a context or if only one fact table use alias.

19. How do we link 2 universes?
The linking can be done at reporter level by linking of data providers. We can link the dimensions and measures of two different universes with 2 different connections by linking the data providers built upon them.

20. What r the types of joins universe supports?
Inner Join, outerjoin, left, right outer join, full outer Join.


  • Anonymous says:
    December 20, 2011 at 12:41 AM

    Thank you !


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