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BusinessObjects Topics

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is a macro?

A macro is a series of commands and functions that are stored in a Visual Basic for Applications module and can be run whenever you need to perform the task. If you perform a task repeatedly, you can automate the task with a macro. You create macros using the Visual Basic Editor.

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What are Enterprise and Workgroup modes?

Designer lets you save universes in either enterprise or workgroup mode. Enterprise mode means that you are working in an environment with a repository. Workgroup mode means that you are working without a repository. The mode in which you save your universe determines whether other designers are able to access them. By default, a universe is saved in the mode in which you are already working. For example, if you launched a session in enterprise mode, any universe you save is automatically in that mode.

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What is ‘business objects’?

BUSINESSOBJECTS is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allow them to access the data in their corporate databases directly from their desktop and present and analyze this information in a BUSINESSOBJECTS document.
It is an OLAP tool that high-level management can use as a part of a Decision Support Systems (DSS).

BUSINESSOBJECTS makes it easy to access the data, because you work with it in business terms that are familiar to you, not technical database terms like SQL.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence

Details for Business Objects XI 4.0 - Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
This guide tell about how use functions, formulas in Calculations i.e Variables how to use in Web Intelligence and syntax for functions

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What is the Central Management Console?

What is the Central Management Console?

The Central Management Console (CMC) allows you to create and manage BusinessObjects Enterprise(BOE) users and groups. It also enables you to publish organize, and set security levels for all of your BusinessObjects Enterprise content, the CMC enables you to manage servers and create Server groups.

Note: The CMC is different from the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) in that the CMC is web based. Because the CMC is web-based application, you can perform all these administrative tasks remotely.

You can perform administrative tasks in the CMC such as:

• Creating and managing users and groups, including their rights to folders, objects and applications.
• Publishing, scheduling and managing Webi Reports, Crystal, Deski, OLAP files as well as third-party documents and hyperlinks.
• Managing Universes and Universe connections.
• Managing Performances Management applications.
• Modifying BusinessObjects Enterprise applications.

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