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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oracle By Example (OBE)

Oracle By Example (OBE)The Oracle by Example (OBE) series provides hands-on, step-by-step instructions on how to implement various technology solutions to business problems. OBE solutions are built for practical real-world situations, allowing you to gain valuable hands-on experience as well as use the presented solutions as the foundation for production implementation, dramatically reducing time to deployment. In addition to...

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Add to the List of Existing Connections


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Interactive Viewing with BusinessObjects Web XI


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Monday, October 19, 2009

Avoid overlapping months and years

Useful way to group data by week to avoid the quandary of weeks overlapping months and years.CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE weekly_proc IS CURSOR x_cur IS SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(date1),4,3) m, SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(date1),1,2) w, COUNT (*) cntFROM cpad_errorsGROUP BY SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(date1),4,3), SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(date1),1,2); x_rec x_cur%ROWTYPE; week_var NUMBER; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table week_test'; OPEN x_cur;...

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Both %TYPE and %ROWTYPE are used to define variables in PL/SQL as it is defined within the database. If the datatype or precision of a column changes, the program automatically picks up the new definition from the database.The %TYPE and %ROWTYPE constructs provide data independence, reduce maintenance costs, and allows programs to adapt as the database changes-- %TYPE is used to declare a field with the same type as -- that of...

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Business Objects XIr2 Installations step by step

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