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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BusinessObjects Enterprise architecture basic terminology

HostA host can be a physical computer or virtual machine.ServerA server is an Operating System (OS) level process hosting one or more services.For example,CMS and Adaptive Processing Server are servers.A server runs under a specific OS account and has its own PID.ServiceA service is a server subsystem that provides a specific function. The service runs within thememory space of its server under the Process ID (PID) of the parent...

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inmon vs. Kimball - An Analysis

Mr. William (Bill) Inmon is known as the “Father of Data Warehousing”, entitled for coining the term “Data Warehouse” in 1991. He defined a model to support “single version of the truth” and championed the concept for more than a decade. He also created “Corporate Information Factory” in collaboration with Ms. Claudia Imhoff. Mr. Inmon is known to have published 40+ books and 600+ articles.Mr. Ralph Kimball is known as the...

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